History of Early Modern Portugal

Name: History of Early Modern Portugal
Code: HIS02396L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


In this unit, you will analyze how Portugal moved from a situation in which it was about to be the center of the European economy, in the beginning of the 16th century, to a peripheral position in the beginning of the 19th century.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1.To know critically:
a) some structural marks and cyclical vectors of Portugal in Early Modern times, inserting it as part of the Iberian and European world-economies;
b) the specific vocabulary of the various thematic areas;
c) the state of the art concerning the main bibliography;.
2. Emphasizing the interest for reading the historiography.
3. Introduction to interpretation of the early Modern documents.

a) develop the ability to search, select and interpret information;
b) increase the ability to read and interpret statistical and cartographic data;
c) develop intellectual skills of analysis and synthesis;
d) internalize the relevance of methods in the construction of knowledge;
f) encourage the ability to work as a team;
g) develop critical thinking.


1. Structures and main problems:
1.1. Consolidation of the colonial empire and evolution of the historical-geographic complexes (1415-1822);
1.2. Demography and the impact of urbanism rates;
1.3. Land tenure and productive structures;
1.4. Inequality, privilege and construction of the political center.

2. The conjunctural dynamics:
2.1. From the Humanism to Alcacer-Quibir;
2.2. The economic crises of the second half of the 16th century;
2.3. The conjuncture of 1580;
2.4. Portugal in the composited Monarchy of the Habsburgs;
2.5. The "Restauração": meanin and the impact of war;
2.6. The political and economic crises of the 2nd half of the 17th century;
2.7. Gold from Brazil and Portugal in the first half of the 18th century;
2.8. The Age of Pombal;
2.9. The "viradeira";
2.10. The impact of the Napoleonic invasions.

3. The major structural changes of the Early Modern Portugal: a synthesis.

Teaching Methods

There will be a diversification of the shape of the sessions, but lectures and practical will dominate. There will be stimulus to the use of moodle as a workspace.
The syllabus will be taught by thematic units. Within each, there are different proposals for work to be carried out in groups or individually.
We will provide a list of hypothetical themes for research papers, that will be based on printed sources. These essays will be followed trough tutorial meetings.
Taking into account the content of this programme, we hope to invite students to see two movies to discuss in the sessions: El Rey Pasmado by Imanol Uribe; The process of the king, by João Mário Grilo.

The evaluation will be based on the following:
a) ongoing assessment:
- a small research essay (40%), done in group;
- A written exam (60% of final grade);
b) Final evaluation: written exam (100%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )