Elementary Education and its Contexts

Name: Elementary Education and its Contexts
Code: PED01603L
2.5 ECTS
Duration: 8 weeks/65 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understand, analyze and reflect on the challenges of education in the twenty-first century relating with an understanding the world and the goals of education for the XXI century, particularly in basic education (BE)
Understand the role of BE in relation with the role of family and society by focusing on an analysis of the ecology of childhood
To investigate and analyze policies for BA, the education system in Portugal and other European contexts
Knowing the multiplicity of BE (0 -12) contexts and their functions
Understand, analyze and reflect on the teachers’s professional profile and start to develop a professional identity
Understand, analyze and reflect on the organization of educational provision (space, time, participants)
Developing skills for autonomous learning in cooperation with peers, teachers and Pre-school/Primary teachers
Developing habits of research, selection, organization and information processing


1. Basic Education for the XXI century
- Childhood, education and the main challenges of today's world
- The role of BE in the world today
2. Learning and its contexts:
- Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of development;
- Learning in a socio-cultural perspective
3. The educational systems in Portugal and Europe
- Educational Policies for children aged 0 to 12 years
- Organization of BE: state / private , education and care, (dis) continuity between cycles
- Educational System Act: principles and learning objectives
4.The participants involved in BE (children, families and professionals)
- Roles, functions and participation
- The Teachers (Pre-school and Primary) professional profile
5.Tipes of services (0-12) and its organization
- The Schools Educational Project and the organization of institutional contexts
- Curricular management and organization: space, time, culture and activities
- The institutional ethos

Teaching Methods

- Cooperative management of Curricula
- Text analysis and debates
- Lectures with debates
- Visits to Basic education schools and contact with professionals
- Use of Moodle platform to share information and materials relevant to the CU.
- Tutorials in small-group to support students autonomous work.

Ongoing assessment components are:
A. Learning portfolio:
1. Three bibliographic records
2. Two school reports
3. Lectures analysis, synthesis and reflective records
B. Participation in classes.
Final marks are reached through this formula:
2 A1 + 3 A2 + 3 A3 + B
The final assessment implies two pieces of work: one written (50%) and one practical (50%).


Assessment components are:
A. Learning portfolio:
1. Three bibliographic records
2. Two school reports
3. Lectures analysis, synthesis and reflective records
B. Participation in classes.
Final marks are reached through this formula:
2 A1 + 3 A2 + 3 A3 + B
We aim students to acquire progressively research methodologies and studying methods.

Recommended Reading

AAVV (2000). Novo conhecimento, nova aprendizagem. Lisboa: FCG
Alarcão, I. et al. (2008), A Educação das Crianças dos 0 aos 12 anos. Lisboa: CNE
Bronfenbrenner (2005) “Preparar um mundo para a criança do século XXI: o desafio da Investigação”. In Gomes-Pedro et al. (2005) “A criança e a Família no século XXI”. Dinalivro: Lisboa. Pags: 79-89
Decreto-Lei n.º 240/2001- de 30 de Agosto. “Perfil geral de desempenho profissional do educador de infância e dos professores dos ensinos básico e secundário
Dec. Lei nº 241/2001 de 30 de Agosto. “Perfis específicos de desempenho profissional do educador de infância e do professor do 1º ciclo do ensino básico.
Lopes-da-Silva, I. (1998) Projectos em Educação Pré-escolar e Projecto Educativo de Estabelecimento. in Qualidade e Projecto na Educação Pré-Escolar, n.º 3.DEP-GEDEPE. Lisboa. Editorial M.E; pags: 91-121.
Oudenhoven, N. v., Wazir, R., & Vasconcelos, T. (2007). As Novas Crianças do Século XXI: Necessidades emergentes: Texto Editores.