Introduction to the Study of Tourism

Name: Introduction to the Study of Tourism
Code: SOC10805L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This UC aims to provide students with the basic knowledge for understanding the tourism phenomenon through the discussion of the main concepts, theories and indicators of the Tourism sector.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The curricular unit is mainly designed to give students basic knowledge and essential to the understanding of the tourism phenomenon. The introductory approach made to the different topics will be continued in various units of the course curriculum. Thus, it is intended to provide
students with knowledge in various fields through the following learning objectives: To identify the key concepts in the approach to tourism phenomenon, Recognize key indicators of tourism analysis, under supply and demand; identify and distinguish the main areas of competence of
public agencies with direct responsibilities in the process of tourism development;
Understanding tourism in a historical, national and international; Identify the main types of tourism and tourism products; Know and characterize the demand for tourism through the expectations and motivations for travel; Identify the organizational structure of tourism and identify the main components of tourism.


1. Conceptualization of Tourism
1.1. Essential Concepts
1.2. Tourism classifications and types
1.3. Functioning system of tourism
1.4. General evaluation elements of tourism

2. The historical evolution of tourism
2.1. Worldwide
2.2. In Portugal

3. Tourism Demand
3.1 Concept and main indicators of tourism demand
3.2 Demand-related motivations
3.3 Determinants of tourism demand

4. Tourism Supply
4.1 Concept and main indicators of tourism supply
4.2 Features of the tourism services
4.3 The distribution chanel
4.4 Elements of tourism supply
4.5 Legal classification of the supply

5. Current issues and future trends for Tourism Industry

Teaching Methods

The matters to be addressed in teaching theoretical and practical lessons, not only using the methods of exposition and explanation for the transmission of knowledge, while also promoting discussion, reflection and practical work in on the various contents.
Students will be encouraged to identify additional sources of information to those indicated for each subject, not only using the traditional tools of research, but also electronic means available. Whenever possible it is expected to carry out study visits that allow students to interact with different realities and consolidate the knowledge learned in classroom space. Students will make individual written tests and field work which prepare a project on tourism supply and demand of a region. Continuous Evaluation: Group work (supply and demand) 50% + Class participation 10% + Written test 40%; Exam Normal: individual work 40% + Written test: 60%; Exam Resource written test: 100%

Teaching Staff