Course Overview
The objectives of this Master is to provide students with the professional skills that enable them to be highly competent professionals working in the different areas of Agricultural Engineering. This training complements the agronomic and related formations of the 1st Bologna Cycle, introducing more subjects related to applied Engineering to Agricultural Sciences, such as Agricultural Hydraulics and Farm Buildings, and deepening more agronomic subjects in the areas of Horticulture, Fruticulture, Plant Protection and Biotechnology. The student will be well prepared to understand the technological and environmental problems that are presented to the modernization of Agriculture, being able to study, design, promote and direct the implementation of the systems and activities that constitute the best solutions for a successful agricultural activity.
The lecturing activity will be done during working hours from Wednesday to Friday. The follow up of the students will be done in person or through the platform Moodle whenever the students require it.
Organic Unit:
School of Science and Technology
4 Semesters/120 ECTS credits (72 required and 6 optional in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
Crop and livestock production (621)
Career Prospects
Agricultural technician working in farm holdings; Companies providing services and projects in the agricultural area; State Agencies linked to Agriculture; Scientific and Technological Research Organizations; Agricultural education (technical, professional and higher).
Specific Entry Requirements
The candidates to this Masters course normally should hold a degree in Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering or equivalent graduations, from this or other Universities or Polytechnic Institutes. Access is also allowed, after curriculum analysis, to students holding a degree in other science or engineering graduations with a biological background. It is mandatory the knowledge of Portuguese language.
Access Routes and Applications
Tuition Fees
Annual Tuition Fees
International Students
2500.00 €
Course Committee
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Contact Information
Academic Manager: Dora Alexandra Louro