Decision Support Tools

Name: Decision Support Tools
Code: ECN13500M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course’s main objectives are:

• (o1) to analyse the decision-making process taking place in the situations considered of major interest (in practice), namely certainty, risk and uncertainty;
• (o2) to provide particularly appropriate techniques or methodologies supporting decisions at the level of public policies and projects.

It is intended that students acquire skills in terms of:

• (s1) the (optimal) decision-making capacity in various situations;
• (s2) the use of the techniques/methodologies that are the most appropriate to support the decisions most relevant related to projects and/or public policies.


1. Introduction

2. Decision Analysis

2.1. Certainty situation
2.2. Risk situation
2.3. Uncertainty situation

3. Decision Support Methodologies

3.1. Cost-Benefit analysis
3.2. Multi-Criteria analysis

Teaching Methods

The process of teaching and learning is based on lectures covering the decision analysis theory strictly necessary for its application to practical cases (real or simulated), preferably suggested by the students, in which the application of support decision instrument(s) application is/are illustrated. This approach (of an instrumental nature) is reflected in the bibliography that is used throughout the course, especially the one regarding decision support methodologies, which is proposed by several (national and international) institutions associated with public policies.
In accordance to the essential objectives of the course, the evaluation of the acquisition of skills by students is, in the continuous assessment scheme, based on the production of a case (real or simulated) as an example of application of one (or several) decision support instrument(s), whose weight is 100% on the final grade. In alternative terms, the assessment by exam scheme, a written test whose weight is 100%.

Teaching Staff