History of the Portuguese Archaeology

Name: History of the Portuguese Archaeology
Code: HIS14680M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Archeology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


Curricular unit designed to give specific training to students of Archaeology and Environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Objectives: Improvement of critical capacity. Recognition of the different stages of evolution of the discipline in Portugal. Knowing the drivers of change. Increasing the interest in archaeological research.

Skills: Capacity to distinguish the stages of evolution of Portuguese archeology. Develop critical skills.
Develop readings and bibliographies know.


The development of archeology as a discipline in Portugal: the sixteenth century to century. XXI.
- The pioneers
- The antique
- The first researchers
- Archaeology Business
- Sites and Artifacts

Teaching Methods

The theoretical exposition of the various aspects of the program, it will combine with the search for a critical reading of texts that will lead students to participate in class.

The evaluation, continuous, should be performed by producing two jobs about aspects of the program (50% + 50%) and the participation of students in class. Final exam, to those who didn't finished the normal process, according the art.º 110 in RAUE.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )