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Carlos Correia Ramos

Prof. Associado (Departamento de Matemática)

Contrato Trabalho Funções Públicas por tempo indeterminado

Doutoramento: Doutoramento em Matemática/Matemática (Instituto Superior Técnico - 2006)
Mestrado: Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada/Matemática (Instituto Superior Técnico - 2001)
Licenciatura: Engenharia Física Tecnológica/Física (Instituto Superior Técnico - 1998)
CIMA - Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (Membro Integrado Doutorado)
Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Educação Básica (Adjunto)
Conselho Científico (CIMA) (Conselheiro)
Direção de Curso do Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática (Diretor)
NOVALINCS - NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (Membro Colaborador)
Mathematics and applications. Mathematical physics.

Symbolic dynamics. Dynamical systems. Discrete dynamical systems: deterministic and stochastic.

Markov chains, topological Markov chains.

Complex systems.

Algebra: operator algebras, group theory, semigroups.

Formal languages


Number theory
Architecture, bioclimatic building. Ecology. Economic systems. History. Art. Sports. Literature.
Outreach: scientific activities in schools.

Knowledge transference: Urban studies, prototypes for efficient food production in urban environment. Development of ecological and economic building processes and materials.

Coordinator of the complex systems thematic line (2014-2021)

Coordinator of the research group dynamical systems (2014-)

Coordinator of the MATI, Mathematical aplications to techonology and industry (2021-)  

Colaborator CFCUL - center of philosophy of sciences Lisbon University

POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030793 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020 ,FCT
acrónimo: AdaptAlentejo
concluído em 28/02/2022
ALT20-03-0247-FEDER-017659 / Portugal 2020 ,Portugal 2020
acrónimo: BRO-CQ
concluído em 30/09/2019
PTDC/MAT/73544/2006 / FCT
concluído em 31/08/2010
Bandeira, L., Ramos, C.C. Non-homogeneous Chain of Harmonic Oscillators. Math.Comput.Sci. 16, 3 (2022)
C. Correia Ramos, N. Martins, P.R. Pinto, Markov invariant dynamics, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 620, 2021, Pages 268-296, ISSN 0024-3795, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2021.02.028.
Correia Ramos, C. Kinematics in Biology: Symbolic Dynamics Approach. Mathematics 2020, 8, 339. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8030339
C.C. Ramos, A.I. Santos and S. Vinagre, (2020), The Dynamics of a Hybrid Chaotic System, In: S. Pinelas, J.R. Garef, S. Hilger, P. Kloeden and C. Schinas (eds), International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations with Applications 2019, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 333, Springer, 669-680.
C.C. Ramos, A.I. Santos and S. Vinagre, (2020), Dynamics of a Certain Nonlinearly Perturbed Heat Equation, In: S. Pinelas, J.R. Graef, S. Hilger, P. Kloeden and C. Schinas (eds), International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations with Applications 2019, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 333, Springer, 653-668.
Fernandes, S., Ramos, C., Thapa, G., Lopes, L., & Grácio, C. (2018). Discrete Dynamical Systems: A Brief Survey. Journal of the Institute of Engineering, 14(1), 35-51.
C.C. Ramos, A.I. Santos and S. Vinagre, (2018), A symbolic approach to nonlinearly perturbed heat equation: non periodic perturbation case, In: S. Pinelas, T. Caraballo, P. Kloeden and J.R. Graef (eds), International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations with Applications 2017, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 230, Springer, Cham, 581-593.
Correia Ramos, C., Bandeira, L., Harmonic oscillations on non-homogeneous media, Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat., vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1-13, 2018.
J. Duarte, C.Januário, N.Martins, C.C.Ramos et al. Optimal homotopy analysis of a chaotic HIV-1 model incorporating AIDS-related cancer cells. Numer Algor, 2018, Volume 77, Issue 1, pp 261-288
M. B. Branco, C. Correia Ramos, S. Fernandes & S. Santos (2017) Numerical semigroups and periodic orbits for Markov interval maps, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 23:9, 1597-1609, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2017.1351558
Correia Ramos, C.; Martins, Nuno; Pinto, Paulo R. Toeplitz algebras arising from escape points of interval maps. Banach J. Math. Anal. 11 (2017), no. 3, 536--553. doi:10.1215/17358787-2017-0005. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bjma/1493431219
C. C. Ramos, A. I. Santos and S. Vinagre, Symbolic dynamics generated by a hybrid chaotic systems, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science 18(2): 1-12, 2016.
Transition matrices characterizing a certain totally discontinuous map of the interval, L. Bandeira, C. Correia Ramos, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Volume 444, Issue 2, 15 December 2016, 1274-1303
C. C. Ramos, A. I. Santos and S. Vinagre, A symbolic approach to nonlinearly perturbed heat equation, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math., 107, (2016), n.º 4, 821-843.
On the spectra of certain matrices and the iteration of quadratic maps, L. Bandeira, C. Correia Ramos, SeMA J. 67 (2015), 51-69
Orbit representations from matrices Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 453, 15 July 2014, Pages 44-58 C. Correia Ramos, Nuno Martins, Paulo R. Pinto
Correia Ramos, C.; El Harti, R.; Martins, Nuno; Pinto, Paulo R. Baumslag-Solitar group C*-algebras from interval maps. Banach J. Math. Anal. 8 (2014), no. 1, 138--147.

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