com id_curso -2575-
Attribute Type Value
com cod_dges -3076-
Attribute Type Value


Postgraduate Degree

Ano Letivo 2024/2025

Course Overview

The Post-Graduation Course in Geoarcheology will work after-work hours and a b-learning regime, aiming to reach a majority of the public who are specialized and already professional in archeology, geology or others interested in these themes. Teaching will include the participation of teachers and researchers from the School of Social Sciences and the School of Science and Technology of the University of Évora. The Curricular Plan foresees the functioning of sets of Curricular Units, mainly after-work hours regime, which may be specific to one of the scientific areas or be shared by two or more scientific areas. The Curricular Units will operate in a b-learning regime, with the presentation and conceptualization of theoretical concepts by distance learning, through the use of the Moodle platform and / or synchronous sessions by videoconference and in-class laboratory and / or fieldwork classes for training. of specific methods and techniques in the acquisition of data in Geoarcheology.
Organic Unit: School of Science and Technology
Duration: 2 Semesters/60 ECTS credits (60 required in curricular units)
Language: Portuguese
Regime: B-learning
CNAEF Areas:
  • History and archaeology (225)
  • Earth science (443)

Career Prospects

The holder of the postgraduate diploma in geoarchaeology will be qualified to academic studies in Archaeology /Archaeometry and /or Aplied Science to the fields of research in Conservation / Cultural Heritage. The diploma holder will have a privileged position in applying for job opportunities in the private sector and / or scientific laboratories in museums or other government institutions.

Specific Entry Requirements

The Post-Graduation is preferably aimed at students graduated in the areas of Earth Sciences, Archaeology and other related areas, with the possibility of accrediting specific training and / or skills in UC, to candidates with a proven curriculum in the training areas.

Access Routes and Applications

Attribute Type Value
Edital array Array(7)
>curso string '2575'
>edicao NULL
>id string '2372'
>vagas string '10'
>vagas_internacionais NULL
>vagas_por_especialidade boolean false
>vagas_por_instrumento boolean false
Initial Places: 10

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition Fees

1500.00 €

Course Committee

Do you want an academic experience in another national or international higher education institution?

Get to know the programs, the partner institutions where you can do a period of mobility.


Information not available.


Contact Information

Director: Patrícia Sofia Martins Moita []

Academic Manager: Ana Coca
Academic Services (online): SAC.ONLINE