Architecture Design Studio VI

Name: Architecture Design Studio VI
Code: ARQ02532I
Duration: 15 weeks/312 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit deepens the subject of interaction between architectonic project and the structure of the urban

core, benefiting from the developed research in curricular units Urbanism I and Urbanism II. . Will be analysed

remarkable architectonic projects, for example, accordingly, mostly, to its integration in urban context. Following

that analysis will be accomplished one exercise, in which must correspond increase of complexity and scale,

assuming the program while essential data and regulator of the project.


1. Develop skills realated to the use of project’s tools

2. Develop skills related to the ability of critical observation and architectonic analysis

3. Develop project’s communication strategies

4. Consolidate methodological basis of spatial composition

5. Consolidate ability to establish a congruent relation with an existing urban structure


Subject: Context: the urban core and its interaction with the architectonic set

1. Project tools: sketch, technical drawing by computer, model

2. Analysis of study cases accordingly to its interaction with a urban core

3. Urban integration

4. Representation of Architecture: sketch, technical drawing by computer, photomontage, model, text and oral presentation

To each programmatic topic corresponds an enounced objective.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology frames and potentiates the objectives of the curricular unit, earching to ensure its coherence:

1. By personalized and tutorial attendance, through experience and verification, in a context of laboratorial practice (atelier) stimulating critical and analytic readings.

2. Accordingly to the outset to stimulate transversality with taught issues in other curricular units, particularly the ones related to cities and urban design studies.

3. Audiovisual supported classes, lectures and study visits.

4. The evaluation system searches to underline the curricular objectives, promoting continuous work and setting of knowledge, as well as development of research methodologies, essential conditions to foster students critical inquiry.


Evaluation is ruled only by continuous evaluation system, resulting on attendance of the students’ work along the semester, and will be achieved based on demonstration of dominion of taught contents. The students must assist, mandatorily, to 75% of the classes, to be able to get approval in the curricular unit.

Recommended Reading

KOOLHAAS, Rem, La ciudad genérica. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili SL, 2006, Colección: GGmínima. Título

original: The generic city, publicado originalmente em Domus, 791, Março de 1997

LYNCH, Kevin, A imagem da cidade. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1982

MUMFORD, Lewis, A cidade na história. Martins Fontes: Unb, 1982

ROSSI, Aldo, A arquitectura da cidade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1995

SMITHSON, Alison e Peter, The Charged Void – Urbanism. The Monacelli Press, 2003

VENTURI, Robert, Complejidad y contradicción en la arquitectura. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili SA, 1992

VIRILIO, Paul, «The Oblique Function», in Architecture Principe, n.1, Fevereiro de 1966.

VIRILIO, Paul, «The Overexposed City» (1991), in Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture. Londres: Routledge,


VIRILIO, Paul, Estética de la desaparición. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1998

VIRILIO, Paul, La Inercia Polar. Madrid: Trama Editorial, 1999