Portuguese Dramaturgy

Name: Portuguese Dramaturgy
Code: ARC12583L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. The aim of the course is to bring students closer to some dramaturgical models, representative of different periods developed in Portugal, and to provide them with a clear understanding of the reasons that led to these differences in the various forms of writing, as well as in the field of construction Dramaturgica in general.
2. Thus, in an interdisciplinary perspective, crossing textual analysis, historical contextualization, theory and history of theater and spectacle, we will try to create apt students to know how to deal with these different aesthetic lines, as well as Understand the various meanings, implicit and explicit, that are inherent to it.
3. Students thus acquire skills to be able to analyze dramaturgically Any of these periods of national dramaturgy


Some Dramatic Writing Practices Throughout History:

1. Dramatic Game and Iconoclasm
Gil Vicente:
Pranto de Maria Parda
Romagem de Agravados

2. Affectation and risibility
António José da Silva:
Guerras de Alecrim e Mangerona

3. Existential fright and absurdism
Raul Brandão:
O doido e a morte

4. Joker Tragedy
Natália Correia:
O Homúnculo

5. Dark Comedy in a Contemporary Fable
Armando do Nascimento Rosa:
Túnel dos Ratos

The syllabus aims mainly to present to the students some of the diverse practices of dramatic writing throughout the history of the Portuguese Theater.

Teaching Methods

The practice of dramaturgical analysis is privileged, in articulation with a theoretical component centered on the knowledge of the main theatrical poetics and their historical contexts, and a critical component of a personal nature reflected in the research to be carried out around the case studies. Individual or group work will be asked to develop small pieces of work that will be discussed collectively.

Evaluation methods

To be evaluated, the student, with the exception of working students, should be present in 80% of the sessions.

The student can choose between continuous evaluation or a final exam:

1. Continuous assessment
a) Presentation of a work on one of the topics of the program (50%).
b) Participation in debates and attendance (20%).
c) Realization of a Frequency (30%).

2. Final exam
Students who opt for the examination evaluation may do so in accordance with the rules in force at the University of Évora and its Evaluation Regulations.

Teaching Staff