
Name: Entomology
Code: BIO12363L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Objectives: Introduction to the ecological and economic importance of arthropods with special attention to
insects, general introduction to Entomology, Biology, Biodiversity, Methodologies and Techniques dealing
with dead (classification, taxonomy) and living insects (Population dynamics in Agriculture and Forestry,
Mass production of insects and mites for Biocontrol purposes, quality control of mass reared arthropods);
Introduction to the biological Control of pests. Entomophagy in the present and future tendencies.


1. Arthropods and insects within bybiodiversity.
Population dynamics and ecological parameters. Methods of observation of insects.
2. Insects manipulation, preservation and preparation for taxonomic purposes.
3. Morphology, anatomy and biology of insects. Behavior and communication.
5 Techniques for creating insects in the laboratory.
6. Pre-social and social insects.
7. Ecology of insects in the trophic web.
8. Applied Entomology: Agricultural.
9. Forest Entomology.
10. Pests in stored food.
11. Aspects of Entomology, Veterinary, Human Medicine, Forensic Medicine.
12. Insects as objects of study in genetics, molecular biology.
13. Entomology and employability. Areas in society in which entomology matters.
14. Exercising, after an introduction, study skills of subjects taught in the form of review of the subjects
taught, and clarification of doubts.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical lessons supported by illustrated PowerPoint Documents, internet key word references and
written texts available. Practical lessons with insects “in hands”. Field collection excursions (around the
classroom region). Visit to a Museum of living Social insects (guided tour).
Evaluation: a written exam with 20 open items (with limited space), and a individual monograph chosen by
each student, on complementary aspects of their interests, supported by recommended bibliography,
Internet key words and the teacher personal books and publications.