Sociology and Anthropology of the Family

Name: Sociology and Anthropology of the Family
Code: SOC13446M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course presents the fundamentals of the sociological perspective on the family, and critically discusses the key issues of debate relating family and maternal and obstetric health.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To deepen socio-anthropological knowledge about family reality in contemporary society
to deepen the knowledge on theory research produced by contemporary sociology and family anthropology
to update the anthropological sociological perspectives that shape the theoretical and empirical investigation around the family in the contemporary world
to update knowledge about the current characterization and main tendencies of change in the contemporary family, in particular in Portuguese society
analyze and reflect critically on the main themes debates that animate discussion around the family in contemporary society
Demonstrates previous knowledge, constituting the basis of development and / or application in multiple intervention contexts
It integrates knowledge that allows you to judge about the situations
It demonstrates the ability to communicate its conclusions to both specialists and non-specialists in a succinct and objective way
Develop self-learning skills


The socio-anthropological knowledge about the family
1.1 Evolution and changes in the definitions and meanings
1.2 Classical theoretical perspectives and current proposals
1.3 Methodological challenges: conditions, procedures and ethics in the research
II Families in Portugal
2.1 The formation of the family
2.2 Dynamics of conjugal life
2.3 Dynamics of parental life
2.4 Dynamics of family life: gender and the division of labour in the family
2.5 Kinship and social support networks
III Families, issues & current debates
3.1 New families? New conjugalities and parenthoods
3.2 Biological and social kinship: old and new configurations
3.3 Families without borders: migration, transnational families and international adoption
3.4 Families of choice and same-sex relationships
3.5 The dark side of the family: tensions and challenges

Teaching Methods

Lectures and practical lessons, tutorial follow-up and e-learning solutions. According to internal regulation, students may choose between a continuous assessment process or a final examination. Continuous assessment: written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (100%). Final examination: written examination (100%).


According to internal regulation, students may choose between a continuous assessment process or a final examination. Continuous assessment: written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (100%). Final examination: written examination (100%).

Teaching Staff