Set Design

Name: Set Design
Code: ARC12596L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Teatro

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- To develop knowledge about scenic space environment and its importance in the conceptualization and theatrical practice.
- To approach different types of stage design and its vast field of interdisciplinary artistic expression, approaching the creative process both as language and essence.
- To know and experiment both with techniques and materials.
- To encourage creativity in the conception/execution of artistic projects.
- To acquire knowledge about scenography.
- To develop and present a stage design project, joining the theoretical and the practical skills acquired.


1. Scenic space and stage design concepts.
2. Scenic space history.
3. Spatial organization of a conventional theatre.
4. Performance alternative spaces.
5. Characteristics and different usages of materials.
6. Strategies and methodologies for stage design creation.
7. The stage design project: from the idea to the maquette.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology is a theoretical-practical approach of the syllabus.
In a workshop type of environment, students will develop activities where the importance of research, experimentation with materials, techniques and realization will be particularly stressed.

Continuous evaluation.

The evaluation parameters and their relative weight are:

Attendance: 10%
Written assignments: 20%
Class participation: 20%
Written test: 10%
Final assignment with public presentation - stage design project: 40%