Topics of Chemistry
Sustainable Development Goals
Learning Goals
Students should be able to:
- Using a rigorous scientific language.
- Plan experimental and demonstration activities in different contexts.
- Perform the experimental activities related to different contents of the field of chemistry.
- Explore experimental activities. - Encourage and promote curiosity and observation by children.
- The World in Action:
Structure and properties of substances.
Substances and mixtures. Solutions. Measures of concentration.
Chemical elements and Periodic Table.
States of aggregation of matter, changes of state.
Unit operations in chemistry.
- The World in transformation:
Precipitation reactions. Solubility of salts.
Chemical reactions
Acid-base reactions.
Redox reactions. Electrochemistry. Corrosion.
Energy, heat and thermochemistry.
Rate of chemical reactions.
Teaching Methods
Teaching and learning is based on experimental work and the exploitation of content related to the theme on each work.
The evaluation will be conducted two tests of frequency (45% F1 + 45% F2) or a final exam (90%).
This assessment is complemented by continuous assessment done during the semester (10%)
Recommended Reading
Atkins, P. W. e Beran, J. A., General Chemistry, 2ª Ed., W. H. Scientific American Books, Nova Iorque, 1992.
Atkins, P. W. e Jones, L., Chemistry: molecules, matter, and change, 3ª Ed., W. H. Freeman and Company, Nova Iorque, 1997.
Chang, R., Chemistry,. 8ª Ed., McGraw-Hill, Nova Iorque, 2005.
Chang, R., Química,. 8ª Ed., McGraw-Hill, Lisboa, 2005.
Huheey, J. E., Inorganic Chemistry: principles of structure and reactivity, 2ª Ed., Harper International Edition, Nova Iorque, 1978.
Loeschnig, Louis V., Experiências simples de química com materiais disponíveis, Bertrand, Venda Nova.
Menezes, M. D., A Magia da Ciência, Lisboa Editora, 1995
Reger, D., Goode, S. e Mercer, E., Química: Princípios e Aplicações, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1997.
Snyder, Carl H., The extraordinary chemistry of ordinary things, 2ªed., John Wiley & Sons, Nova Iorque, 1995
Teaching Staff
- Margarida do Rosário Domingos Terraço Figueiredo [responsible]