Plant Physiology

Name: Plant Physiology
Code: BIO12352L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

In the first part of this course aims to make students understand how plants remove environmental energy
and materials necessary for its development, and how these materials are transported in plants, in order,
where possible, the application of this knowledge to agriculture. The second part is the actual development
of higher plants that is the subject of classes, with particular emphasis on the importance of plant
hormones, radiation and temperature in this development.


WATER RELATIONS: Functions and water movement. Responses to water stress.
TRANSPORT IN PHLOEM: Input and output of metabolites in phloem and transport. Distribution of assimilates.
MINERAL NUTRITION: Essential elements. Criteria of essentiality. Absorption of minerals. Ion movement in roots.
Ion transport in membranes.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Reactions directly dependent on light. CO2 reduction. Metabolism C3, C4 and CAM. Photorespiration.
Abiotic factors that affect photosynthesis.
RESPIRATION: Pentose phosphate pathway. Abiotic factors that affect respiration.
DEVELOPMENT AND PHYTOHORMONES: Growth and differentiation. Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid,
brassinosteroids, salicylic acid and estrigolactonas.
PIGMENTS and Photo-Morphological Characteristics: The pigments of blue light receptors. The family of Phytocrome.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, laboratory classes and thematic seminars. Assessment by tests (theoretical and practical
component) under continuous evaluation or assessment by Final Exam (in accordance with School Rules
of Procedure)
The final evaluation will be 60% for the theoretical part and 40% for the practical.